Gabe at a Wedding

I just finished editing a wedding. Boy, is that a good feeling. Wedding editing tends to add up in the summertime. Finish one, add on another. When I complete one of my dear couples' weddings, I do a happy dance. Not at all unlike the one in the post below.  While editing the wedding I just finished (Tashina and Josh!), I stumbled upon a few pictures of Gabe, the other half of our husband/wife photography team. When I dove further into the wedding business four years ago, I started hearing about these husband/wife photography teams. Seemed like the perfect job. You get up together, have a big breakfast together (carb up!), load up the car together, give each other a pre-wedding pep talk, photograph a lovely couple, sample the cake (we get two flavors and share), Cha-cha slide together, and go home together. I fell in love with this idea and hoped that someday I would share my awesome job with my husband. I hadn't even met Gabe yet.

And now, here we are. The end of the 2009 season I shyly asked Gabe if he would like to assist me at a wedding. He said yes. I threw a camera in his hands and turns out, he loves shooting. And after a lot of practice, he is darn good at it.

I am so blessed.

Year 1. Amazing.

So this is Gabe - and I am hijacking the blog because, well, this is as good occasion as any. Today is my and Mary's 1 year anniversary.  As she and I were talking about it today we realized something: it was a wonderfully amazing, fun year.

As many of you can probably attest, so many people told us before we were married that "The first year is the hardest" or "Just make it through your first year and you'll be fine" or "Good luck with the first year!" or something else of that nature.  It had me thinking that, boy, this first year of marriage will be a real doozy.

This year certainly had its challenges for us.  Since we did not live together before we were married, we had to adjust with how each other worked and lived. Who would do the laundry? (her, since i struggle with the 'delicates' situation apparently), who would clean? (mostly me, since, well, who likes cleaning?), and so forth.  We had to get used to how we communicate with each other, and how to really love each other like we need it. And we realize we still have a lot of learning to do.

But what we found out is that this first year of marriage was truly awesome.  We've loved this year and realized it's been mostly a breeze!  And I think it's been so great is because we truly deeply love each other.  Mary constantly puts my needs before her own and longs to serve me in everything.  And I do the same for her - or at least try to.  And that, I think, plays a HUGE part in making a marriage work - sacrificial love on both sides.

At the end of year 1 we realize that our love has only grown for each other during the course of this year.  And that is a beautiful thing.

So if you are engaged - don't worry!  The first year will be a breeze if you just simply love each other to the core - willing to do anything for the other. Don't listen to the naysayers. Go into it eager to love that person, and you'll be grand.

And if you are married - congrats to you!  We have such a high regard for marriage and deeply respect the commitment and sacredness of it all, especially now that we find ourselves in that covenant.

And if you are single - embrace it! Embrace all the joys and the hardships of it all, knowing that our experiences are what shape us and make us wise if we let them.

My experience being married is that I must be among luckiest guys on earth, because I am married to one amazing woman. She's made me a better person. Here's to more years for us all...

Below are some shots from the wedding and honeymoon...


HWY 1 Videoblog

Gabe and I are going to be sharing our photos from California over the next week or so. We thought we would start with our Highway 1 adventure. A couple things: 1. I am really excited we know how to post video to the blog. All I have to say is, Gabe loves interviews and video. So get ready for HHP updates via video.

2. I have crazy curly hair and I think I like it. I fought it for the first 14ish years of my life but now, at 26, I feel I've mastered the curl (when the coastal wind is not taking control).

California Living

Hello there! So we are still in California. It's been quite an exciting time so far.

There has been snake jumping, olive tree grove hopping, Elmo spotting, dancing robot men and much more. We have lots of great pictures to share when we get home.

Today we are seeing the Conan show!  I think some hijinks are in order...

In the meantime - we've uploaded a video to our vimeo account.

We will upload more in the next day or two.  We do it because it's fun.

Until then!

Giveaway Winners!

Good morning to you all.  We thank you so much to those of you who entered our giveaway.  This was an excellent way to launch Honey Heart Photography!  We had almost 400 entries between FB and the blog comments.  We chose these winners at random by typing out all of your names and then drawing them. Without further delay, here are the winners:

$15 Orange Leaf Gift Card: Tamara Erdes

$15 Orange Leaf Gift Card: Carrie Rhudy Pepiot

$50 Anthropologie Card: Jeremy Griffin - a guy!

Photoshoot with Honey Heart: Sarah Holcomb Blackerby

If you are a winner, send me an email at with your address and we will send you the card.

Have a great day!  And thanks again.  I am overwhelmed by all the love and support!